How can the RCM Certificate Program benefit my studio?
When I first heard about the RCM Voice Syllabus, I jumped in enthusiastically not knowing how much it would impact my students, my teaching, or my business. Years later, I can confidently say that preparing students for RCM Exams has had a three-fold impact:
First, my students are technically better, more expressive singers, more knowledgeable of diverse repertoire and are better musicians
Second, my teaching is more efficient and personally fulfilling
Third, my private studio business is thriving because my students remain with me long term. Both students and parents recognize the benefit of the certificate program towards their musical development. Successful, fulfilled students translates into powerful advertising for your business
This week, I am going to explore how the RCM program has impacted my students.
The most obvious benefit of using the RCM Certificate was for my Elementary Level students-including both children and adult amateurs. Children in voice lessons need a lot of structure and the RCM program provides an appropriate framework. The varied, level and age appropriate repertoire encourages students to explore songs in foreign languages and develop expressive, engaged performances. My younger students are challenged by the musicianship skills which include: ear training and music literacy skills. By the time my students reached the high school level around Level 5, I noticed that my students stood out among their peers because of their technical abilities, musicianship skills, and most importantly, they were much better sight-readers.
My Intermediate Level students who a prepare Levels 5-8 are exposed to sophisticated repertoire from a variety of stylistic periods. They explore Baroque ornamentation, foreign language diction (French, German or Spanish) but can still explore a Musical Theatre option for the students choice which is excellent for my cross-over singers. Because the approach of the program is more inline with classical vocal production, it encourages students with more contemporary techniques to add more tools in their singer’s toolbox! But, it also supports the attraction to musical theatre that many adolescent singers possess.
Beginning at Level 5, the musicianship and ear training requirements challenge students to develop skills they normally would not encounter until the collegiate level. The requirements surpass what the students are normally exposed to at the traditional high school level. The RCM curriculum has helped set my students apart from their high-school level peers in terms of their musicianship skills. My students who have continued to study music either as a major or minor at the college level have expressed that the RCM prepared them very well for college level study and to be more competitive for audition choirs.
To conclude, the RCM Certificate Program provides an excellent structure for private music study. I believe it has helped my students explore more varied repertoire, encourage healthy vocal production and develop engaged, expressive performances. My students are excited to move through the levels both looking forward to new challenges and looking back to reflect on their progress- documented by through Practical Voice Exams. The students appreciate the official recognition they receive for their musical studies beginning at the very early stages.
There is a Free Webinar to learn about the new 2019 RCM Voice Series on Tuesday, May 14 from 1-2 PM ET. Click here for the link: